Philippians 2:5 "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus"
Antioch-Global is an Apostolic and Prophetic Hub seeing to the educational needs of God's people. AG seeks to empower the mind to understand how to move in accordance with the Holy Spirit. Apostle Paul trained and equipped before he placed into position and sent out. AG operates according to the principles of being Holy-Spirit led, apostolically birthed and supported by apostolic teams.
The United Negro College fund has as its motto that “the mind is a terrible thing to waste”. This is as true today as it ever was. The motto refers to using our minds to study, to grow, to gain knowledge, and to be equipped with formal education. The Apostle Paul understood this all too well. He consistently speaks of the care that we need to take as it relates to guarding our minds because our thoughts dictate our actions, therefore we need to ensure that we are equipping our minds to think on the things of Christ to demonstrate Christlike behavior. To do this, we must first know and understand His way of thinking.